15 Emergency Food Lists to Stockpile

The world today is causing humankind uncertainty. But don't you think this has been the case since day one?

Nevertheless, focusing on what we can control is crucial, especially during natural calamities and unexpected catastrophic events.        

You and your family could be cut off from your food supply in a world where tragedies can strike without notice

Given this, food that doesn't necessarily need to be cooked or refrigerated must be stored in the pantry, especially for emergencies that can cut off the power supply. 

Get equipped to weather the storm with a well-stocked emergency food stockpile. These foods are calorie-packed and contain nutrients and some fiber enough to get through the uninvited occasion.

What Emergency Foods to Stockpile       

Many emergency foods listed below have prolonged expiration dates, so they can be stored for a long time. 

Recommendations on how much food is in your stockpile depend on 3-14 days' worth of food. 

15 Emergency Food Lists to Stockpile

List everything in your supply and check the expiration dates every six to a year to keep things new.

1. Bottled water 

You need at least one gallon of food per person each day, so try to stock up on at least three days' worth. A typical active individual should drink at least half a gallon of water daily. The other half gallon should be used to wash and add to food. 

2. Jerky and other dehydrated meats

Jerky is a good source of protein, and tastes vary from classic beef to more unusual ones like ostrich and lamb. While jerky has a long shelf life, it should be kept in an airtight, sealed container to maintain freshness. If stored properly, jerky has a shelf life of up to many years.

3. Peanut butter 

Peanut butter is an excellent energy source filled with protein and good fats. If the jar says so, you must only refrigerate something after opening it.

4. Canned tuna, salmon, chicken, or turkey 

Canned meats offer necessary protein and often last at least two years in the cupboard. Despite having a lower shelf life, vacuum-packed pouches should last at least six months.

5. Whole-wheat crackers 

Crackers are a great sandwich addition as a substitute for bread. Whole-wheat or whole-grain crackers contain a shorter shelf life than plain crackers due to their higher fat content (check the box for expiration dates), but the added fiber is beneficial when starving. If you want to keep your crackers fresh longer, think about vacuum-packing them.

6. Nuts and trail mixes 

Keep enough of these high-energy items on hand—they make great snacks and are healthy. To keep the nuts fresh and from oxidizing, look for vacuum-packed containers.

7. Cereal 

So that they will go well after being opened, choose multigrain cereals that are separately wrapped.

8. Granola bars and power bars 

These handy snacks are nutritious and filling and often remain fresh for at least six months. In addition, they are a great source of carbohydrates. Without consuming a lot of food, carbohydrates can provide additional energy. 

9. Dried fruits, such as apricots and raisins 

These nutritious snacks include potassium and dietary fiber in place of fresh fruit. The number of minerals and calories in dried fruits is substantial. 

10. Canned vegetables, like green beans, carrots, and peas 

Canned variants can give you the quality ingredients you need when the actual thing is not an option.

11. Canned soups and chili 

Straight out of the can, soups and chili offer various nutrients. Consider sodium-free choices.

12. Sugar, salt, and pepper 

You might be cooking if you have access to a stove that runs on propane or charcoal. Improve the flavor of your fresh and packaged food by keeping an essential supply of seasonings and sweeteners.

13. Sports drinks, such as Gatorade or Powerade 

When water is short, the electrolytes and carbohydrates in these beverages will help you rehydrate and replace the fluid.

14. Powdered milk 

When fresh milk isn't an option, keep this replacement on hand since it is a great calcium and vitamin D source and doesn't require refrigeration like nearly all other dairy products.

15. Multivitamins 

The nutrients you would have obtained from a typical diet will be replaced with supplements.

Why Using Frozen Food is Not the Answer

Food stored in refrigerators is the first to spoil during a power outage. 

After a prolonged power outage, rely on something other than smell to judge whether or not food in the refrigerator can be saved.

Frozen food does not destroy microorganisms but renders them inactive. However, these microorganisms are likely to grow when the food is thawed. 

Fruits and vegetables have a mushy/soggy feel because water expands when frozen, just like other liquids.

Things to Buy Just Before an Emergency

There is still time to hurry to the store and get fresh produce and other items with shorter shelf lives if you have received an adequate warning that a storm is approaching. 

You can replace all that commercial food with most of these foods, which will last at least a week after purchase. 

15 Emergency Food Lists to Stockpile

If your local farmers' market is open, stop by. The produce there is fresher than at a conventional supermarket, giving your fruits and vegetables an extra few days of shelf life.


Last up to three months. One must store apples in a cool and dry place. Avoid more perishable fruits (like bananas), which could increase the ripening process.


A firm, unripe avocado you purchase will be kept without refrigeration for at least a week.

Citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits 

Citrus fruits can be kept for up to two weeks without refrigeration due to their high acid content and solid skins, especially if purchased when not fully ripe. Oranges and grapefruits are high in vitamin C and help you stay hydrated.

Cucumbers and summer squash 

These vegetables can be consumed fresh for a few days if not refrigerated.

Potatoes, sweet potatoes, and yams 

These root veggies make great side dishes and are good keepers if you can access a working stove. Potatoes will last about a month if kept in a cold, dark place.


Tomatoes can be kept at room temperature for several days if purchased unripe.

Winter squash 

Winter squashes, like acorn squash, can be stored for a few months, even if the majority are inedible raw. If you can cook during the disaster, stock up.

Hard, packaged sausages, such as soppressata and pepperoni 

Consume chicken and tuna in cans occasionally. Try storing up a couple of packages of dry-cured salamis, such as soppressata, a delicacy from southern Italy sold at most supermarkets. They can stay in the pantry for up to six weeks unopened. 

Signs You Should Start Your Emergency Foods List

Food may need improvement despite all of your measures. These are some of the indications you should watch out for to ensure your food supplies are nutritious and safe to consume:

  • Expiration date passed
  • Food odors or offensive odors
  • Cans with a dent
  • Bulging lids
  • Cans with rust
  • Food with foam on top of it
  • The cans are leaking juice or food

Make a list of the foods you eat, the things you can live without, and the amount of money you're willing to spend to have an emergency food guide on hand. 

Purchase in bulk, especially during discounts and sales. This will make your purchases more reasonable and ensure consistency in your food rations.

Understanding proper food and water storage techniques will help you cope with the stress and discomfort that an emergency might cause. 

Always stock up on ingredients you frequently prepare. This way, you can continue rotating items in your daily life.

Always adhere to the "first in, first out" (FIFO) guideline while creating an emergency food list. Always put older food items in front or on top so they are utilized first, and label your food with the dates you bought it.

Additional Food Advice for an Emergency

• How do you know what is safe to eat from the refrigerator if the electricity goes out? 

Only eat food above 40 degrees Fahrenheit for up to four hours. Foods that have been frozen are still safe as long as they have ice crystals or are chilly to the touch. 

Be cautious about what you eat because bacteria multiply once something reaches room temperature.
Keep the doors closed on your refrigerator and freezer to slow the thawing process.

You could still be able to cook or heat your food if you don't have electricity.

A charcoal grill or a gas stove are options if you can access the outside (inside, these are not recommended due to inadequate ventilation). 

If you're trapped inside, a can of Sterno, essentially heat in a can, can warm up tiny amounts of food in cookware.

• Family with special needs.

Remember to stock up on the necessary things for your family's particular needs, such as if you regularly take medication or have a young child. 

Baby food jars, formula, and additional supplies of your prescription drugs should all be kept on hand.

• Opt for canned goods in an area with a high risk of flooding.

If you live in a region with a high risk of flooding, you should buy all of your pantry staples in cans rather than jars because they are less likely to be contaminated by floodwaters. 

People should avoid consuming home-canned or jarred food exposed to flood waters since the seals are not as strong. 

Taking charge at home

15 Emergency Food Lists to Stockpile

If you and your family have limited access or decide to remain at home during or after an emergency, consider several things. This will help you manage your food supply as effectively as possible.

    1. After a power outage, chilled food will be safe for up to 4 hours.
    2. After a power outage, frozen meals will be safe for up to a day.
    3. Food may stay safer for longer if the refrigerator/freezer door is kept closed as much as possible, but a thermometer should be used to ensure the food's temperature has not risen over 6°C.
    4. Newly prepared foods kept at room temperature (not in the refrigerator) are safe for up to four hours after cooking.
  • Before consuming long-lasting products, eat other perishable foods (such as bread and fresh fruits and vegetables).
  • Aim for ready-to-eat items that don't need to be cooked when stocking your cupboard (in case the gas or electricity supply is interrupted).
  • Based on how long you anticipate being restricted at home, ration your food and water supplies.     

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