There are a lot of things that are going on in this world. Like the tension between North Korea and the U.S.A., hurricanes hitting different countries, and much more.
Day by day, we get to face a new challenge in life. This is why we should always be prepared for whatever it will be.
Some top events opened the eyes of different countries to what is happening worldwide. We hear them on the news channel, radio, and even our social media feeds.
This is for us to be aware of and updated on what is happening worldwide and know what to do if it strikes us or our country.
The U.S.A. vs. Korea - Fact or Hoax?

There is a huge controversy that shocked the world.
President Donald Trump was accused of declaring war on North Korea by tweeting that North Korea "won't be around much longer.".
Then, the White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders denied that the United States declared war.
Because of this, North Korea will lift its shields if the announcement is true. North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho quotes the U.S. President's tweet towards them; " Just heard Foreign Minister of North Korea speak at U.N. If he echoes thoughts of Little Rocket Man, they won't be around much longer!"
And because of this alleged declaration, North Korea is now arming their defense and offense if ever they say "war" will start.
The Foreign Minister of North Korea also added that they have the right to defend their country because the U.S. has already declared war. They also have the right to shoot down the U.S. strategic bombers anytime, even if they are not yet within the area of their country. This is to protect their country and the people living in it. Another thing is that Mr. Kim called the president of the United States a "Mentally Deranged U.S. Dotard," and he would tame with fire.
On the other hand, President Donald Trump threatened to destroy North Korea if the U.S. was imposing to defend itself or an ally.
A Friday after that speech, he tweeted that Kim was a "madman" who would be "tested like never before." And by this statement, North Korea and the United States of America are really in great tension. It is just basically a threat.
But even if this "war threat" is true or just a hoax, it is much safer for us not to panic. Because we don't want any war, and if there is a war, it may be the start of World War III.
Even though we only hear words now, it is still best for us to prepare because there is a huge possibility that these two powerful countries will attack one another.
Syrian Civilians Killed by U.S. Bombings
There are a lot of things that the United States is handling. We all know that the U.S.A.. and North Korea are tense. How much more between the U.S.A. and Syria?
The U.S.A. military aircraft threw a bomb into a school where many students were in their classrooms. And they also hit a marketplace where a lot of people that are dead right after the bomb.
The number of casualties is great, combining the number of deaths from the school and the market.
There is also documentation that states about the U.S. air campaign in Syria, which is one reason why there are many civilian casualties. This is for the U.S.A. to support the Islamic State through the Syrian Democratic Forces.
There are at least 84 civilians, including 30 children, who are dead because of the bombing.
The main target of the bombing is those ISIS members. But there are allegedly only a few members of the group in the area of the bombing. And the people who are in the marketplace are allegedly just ordinary people.
Most of the people there don't have any connection to the Islamic State group.
With an airstrike, innocent children who have no idea what's happening and civilians are now gone.
You can find the largest number of civilians in these areas in Syria. Almost all of the people who live there buy their groceries in the Tagba market. And Mansourah is the school's name, and most kids go there.
U.S.A. vs. ISIS Based in Libya
The U.S. military is also striking the ISIS members who are in Libya. The camp of the ISIS members is only 150 miles from the Southeastern Surf. It is also where they transport their other members in and out of the country. It is also where they get to transport the different kinds of firearms and other kinds of weapons that they use.
The U.S.A. conducted a drone strike in this area because they are targeting those members in the training camp in Libya.
After the drone strike, 17 militants were down. And also, the drone strike destroyed three of their vehicles.
According to the African State Commander, ISIS and Al Qaeda are taking advantage of the land areas where it is ungoverned. They get to use these areas to train their newly recruited members.
Libya is one of the most Muslim countries in the world. It is also one of the places where many ISIS members love to camp or make use of it as their training and trading base.
U.S.A. estimates a hundred members of ISIS that are in the ungoverned areas in Libya. And having a drone strike on them will keep their numbers or their population low. It is also to manage and control the terror strikes shortly.
The downside of this group is that they are gathering a freedom movement in Libya because they see this country as the best place to train their recruits.
The launching of terrorist acts in the neighboring countries is also connected to the attacks across Europe. The U.S.A. military states that they will track and hunt every plan that this terrorist group will make. And they will do whatever it takes to stop the acts that they will be doing.
The U.S. military group is not just focusing on the members who are in Libya. They also observe other members located in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, and other possible countries where the other ISIS members are camping.
Hurricane Maria hits North Carolina.

The United States is also experiencing a calamity. A hurricane, to be specific. The huge hurricane Maria was leaning towards the direction of the U.S.A. And it finally hit North Carolina. But before this hurricane hit North Carolina, it went through different countries.
Hurricane Maria caused devastation in the Caribbean. This will result in a huge loss for the area. According to the report of Theresa Waldrop of CNN, the hurricane killed at least ten people in Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rican officials describe the 'apocalyptic' conditions of the hurricane because of its size and the damage it can bring.
The Island of Dominica killed at least 15 people after that, and the storm was gone. It also hammered the Dominican Republic, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Turks and Caicos, a British overseas territory. Hurricane Maria will brush North Carolina with high winds and rain bands, and coastal flooding can be expected as it approaches.
Also, tropical storm warnings and storm surge watches are in effect for portions of the North Carolina coast. High surf and rip currents will persist the next few days as far north as southeast New England.
A storm surge watch remains for portions of the North Carolina coast between Cape Lookout and Duck. As expected from the weather report, a peak of 2 to 4 feet of storm-surge inundation above ground level is expected in this area, including on the Outer Banks' good side.
We will never know what kind of calamity will be on our way. It is best always to be updated to prepare the necessary things. Like what happens in It is best to know the different kinds of drills of the different calamities to survive whatever our mother nature will give us.
Two Different Calamities Hit Mexico
In the U.S.A., North Carolina is experiencing a huge hurricane. On the other hand, Mexico is not just experiencing one but two different kinds of calamities. This doubles the tragedy and the damage that they now have.
Two devastating natural disasters have caused severe damage to the infrastructure, death, and injuries in Mexico. Last September 7, 2017, an 8.1 magnitude earthquake affected the southwestern states of Oaxaca, Chiapas, and Tabasco, causing more than 100 deaths.
According to the Associated Press, 21 children and four adults were inside the school when it collapsed among the victims. According to the report, 360 buildings and homes are in danger of collapse or major damage in Mexico City. It is believed that the death may increase because some people have not yet recovered due to the debris of the buildings.
Dozens of people are under an office building in the upscale Roma district. Also, many others are dead in a garment workshop in the central Obrera district. Rescue efforts are searching for other bodies and possible survivors throughout the collapsed buildings.
The earthquake has brought a lot of fatalities and casualties and possibly widespread.
On the other hand, hurricane Katia struck Mexico. According to the Associated Press, Hurricane Katia blasted into Mexico's Southern Pacific on September 8, 2017. Hurricane Katia made landfall on the eastern coast of Veracruz.
The hurricane brought heavy rain, strong winds, and mudslides. It also brought a devastating effect and numerous deaths to the people in Mexico. The natural disaster has brought a big distraction, especially to the infrastructure, electrical wirings, and houses, so many buildings and structures are having difficulty meeting their desired deadline.
Aside from the construction, a lot of homes are now down. And the families or residents are now homeless.
The residents have difficulty searching for the different things they need to survive. That is why they should be given food, water, electricity, transportation, communication, medical care, shelter, and more. It is for them to survive in these trying times.
The U.S. residents should postpone travel to the affected areas for the safety and security of the tourists. There are serious health and safety risks, and medical care may not be available because of a lack of medicines, and many people still need medical care.
This is also one of the reasons they can only cater to some of the needs of the patients. The government of Mexico is taking action to rehabilitate the damages that these calamities caused.
How can we survive if we encounter these issues?
We are now experiencing different challenges in life, which is why we are here to live and face them no matter how hard they will be, like the U.S.A. And the different countries are facing. They managed to survive and face their challenges.
Even if it is terrorism, country tension, or even natural calamities, powerful countries can survive. And so with all of the different countries and nations all around the world.
We are born to live and survive every day that we live. It is our strategy to deal with it. Even if it is a big challenge, we can still stand on our feet because we will never really know when and how these chaotic events will arrive in our country or lives.
Survival Instinct

Our instinct is to look for ways and strategize to face the different challenges we encounter. Even if we are on an island, desert, or any place we are unfamiliar with, we can stand, just like the first human beings to face their day-to-day lives.
The cavemen could do different things to give them food and shelter, even if they were out in the wild. And even if they are experiencing different kinds of weather.
Now, we already have the different kinds of skills to survive that we learned from the cavemen. All we have to do is enhance them by joining different adventures.
These adventures will teach us many lessons on how to live life differently. By learning from these adventures, you will know how to keep yourself alive even if a huge storm is coming.