DIY Greenhouse Plans: Easy Plans To Build Now At Home

DIY Greenhouse plans and projects are some of the most incredible things you can do in your backyard. The weather is becoming erratic, and the growing season is sometimes hard to predict. Building a greenhouse will beat your issues and help improve your plants.

This project can provide a controlled temperature environment that enables your plants to grow, even if the weather outside is terrible. It warms the seedlings and plants during winter and provides a refreshing environment during summer. Indeed, with some effort, your family can enjoy your favorite vegetables at any time of the year.

Meanwhile, greenhouses are easy to build. In your house, you can use original materials like water jugs, old bottles, tree branches, and other things. The tools to use are minimal, and you can do it even without professional knowledge of carpentry. 

Thus, this article will discuss some DIY greenhouse plans you can quickly do in your house today. 

$50 Hoop House Greenhouse                                          

A hoop house-style greenhouse made of clear plastic and a sturdy frame, standing on a grassy yard. This structure is simple, cost-effective, and ideal for protecting plants from erratic weather, as described in the DIY $50 greenhouse plan.

You must be creative and think outside the box when building the hoop house. You can use scrap materials from your backyard, such as boxes and wood.  

According to, you can have a greenhouse for only $50. Here are the materials for this project:   

  1. 20' x 3.4" PVC pipe, six pieces
  2. Six pieces 1 x 6 x 8′ pt – ripped into 1x3s
  3. Four pieces 8′ steel "T" fence post
  4. Three pieces 2×4 stud – rip into 1x2s
  5. Two pieces 1 x 4 x 12′ pt
  6. One-piece 2x4x16′ rip into 2x2s
  7. One-piece 20'x1/2″ rebar – cut into 18′ lengths
  8. .75 8″ nylon wire ties – 100
  9. .5 1 1/4″ x 1 lb drywall screw
  10. .3 16 gauge wire – 200′ – for X braces
  11. .25 3/8″ t-50 staples – 1000
  12. .22 20′ x 100′ x 6 mil clear plastic
  13. Scraps of plywood for reinforcements – scrounged

Now, here are the steps on how to do it:

  1. The first thing to do is to build the end walls first.
  2. Next, attach a pipe joint to a piece of 1 x 4 wood to have an outline.
  3. Use pressure-treated lumber for the poly-tunnel end frames.
  4. Attach a non-UV plastic sheet.
  5. Mark the locations of the sides of the door on the ground. Then, put the fence posts or the long pieces of rebar on each side of the door frame.

    Barn Greenhouse

    A large, barn-style greenhouse constructed with a wooden frame and translucent panels. The structure is surrounded by lush greenery and mountains in the background. This greenhouse is designed for durability and is suitable for areas with harsh weather, as outlined in the Barn Greenhouse section.

    The DIY Barn Plan by Ana White is the perfect solution for those who live in areas with high winds or heavy snowfall.  

    This project uses a sturdy 2 x 4 arched frame covered with corrugated plastic. It is also nice because a roofing tin can cover the lower part of the frame.

    With this, the greenhouse can have extra support and keep critters at bay. Indeed, this greenhouse project can be costly, but rest assured that it can provide extra stability through corrugated plastic and other sturdy materials, especially during harsh weather conditions.  

    Big Greenhouse

    The large greenhouse measures about 10' x 16'. The plans are essential, but they can already do the job. This plan uses a simple A-frame structure. You can build shelving or above-ground beds inside the system, but it is a personal preference.

    On the other hand, you can directly plant any seeds or herbs you wish on the ground. This plan will give you more space to arrange what you need inside the structure, and you can finally have a spacious place to plant whatever your heart desires.

    Bottle Greenhouse

    In this method, you can use old water gallons from your home to make a greenhouse. Make sure you use bigger water gallons to accommodate your plants. To do this, just cut the bottom portion of the gallon and unscrew the cap. Then, put the gallon on the soil and your seedlings.  

    This method can raise the temperature by 10 degrees Fahrenheit, making it excellent for heating tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers.

    BuildEazy Greenhouse Plan

    The official website of BuildEazy offers a wide range of plans for building a greenhouse at home. The frame measures about 2'x 4' and includes a UV-resistant polyethylene film. This DIY greenhouse plan accommodates plants and can fit into almost all types of background space.

    Furthermore, their website offers various suggestions about the design and placement of the greenhouse. It does not require a professional setup, and the site offers instructions for constructing the product.

    You must also remember that if you live in a windy place and the base is not adequately secured to the ground, it may cause the polythene film to tear into pieces. The product is also easy to install, robust, and suitable for your plants.

    CD Case Greenhouse

    If you wish to construct a different greenhouse, try this one made from CD cases! Collect all the CD cases and assemble them into an A-frame measuring 3.75' x 2.5'. To make the structure sturdy, put some old wood at the base.

    Flower Tents

    Meanwhile, this product is excellent for raising backyard garden beds. Only some people hope to have a big greenhouse on their farm or yard, and some just want to prolong the life of their plants or herbs.

    While others just wanted to jump-start on vegetable planting, especially in spring. Thus, flower tents are an excellent option for these categories. You only need two PVC pipes to create a hoop frame.

    Then, add some plastic sheets, and you can clip them on with the chip bag clips. You can remove the plastic sheets when they are not in use. Indeed, this plan is very budget-friendly.

    Fold-Down Greenhouse

    Try the fold-down or drop-down project if you want a small, easily manageable DIY project. This project comprises squares and PVC pipes hinged at one end, joined by a plastic sheet.       

    Some of the tools needed in this project are a jigsaw, hacksaw, miter saw rubber mallet, sled-hammer drill, or garden auger drill attachment. This plastic sheet will keep the greenhouse away from the plants for watering and weeding. 

    When you are done with it, you can then replace the sheet. Since these are very cheap, you can make more of it if you need more growing space.

    Free Greenhouse Plan

    If you dream of something big for your greenhouse, try the plan made by Mother Earth News. This plan allows you to simultaneously have a solar-heated greenhouse and a guest house. No space is wasted, and it is energy-efficient.   

    The plan is flexible. You can buy the needed materials or use scraps at home. If you wish to use it solely as a greenhouse, you can use insulated windows, wooden frames, or doors.   

    But if you want to have some guesthouse on it, you can put cozy beds upstairs, which is the warmest part of the building, and provide you with warmth, especially during cold winter nights.

    Geodome Greenhouse

    If you are searching for something new and creative for your backyard, you can make the Geodome Greenhouse by the Northern Homestead. This greenhouse has a lightweight structure that is unique and stable in harsh weather conditions such as strong winds and snow.

    It also has optimal light absorption and features the most growing ground space. Like the other plans in this article, it is made of a wood frame with thick plastic sheeting.

    In addition, the Geodome Greenhouse is an eye-catcher and a fantastic place for your friends and family to hang out. Depending on the space and condition of your backyard, the Geodome can also be easily transferred from one location to another.

    Finally, this greenhouse will keep your plants warm and a pleasant sight for any gatherings at your home.

    IDEA Donna Greenhouse

    You can try the IDEA Donna design if you are a beginner at constructing greenhouses. This one is simple to build and has a solid wooden frame that can last for many years.

    The sides of the plan are made of plastic, which allows ample sunlight to pass through while keeping the heat inside, especially during the cold winter season.   

    Finally, if you are working on something affordable, this one is for you.

    Mini Greenhouse

    If you wish to have some herbs in your backyard that can last all season, you can start building a mini-greenhouse hybrid project now. It is made like a bit of cabinet from old windows.

    This project can provide an upright growing area for small plants or herb collections. If your house has old windows, you can start building it now. Its sturdy frame and solid construction will last a long time.              

    Mini Hot House

    If you are on a budget but need some greenhouses quickly, try the Mini Hot House now. All you have to do is put a tomato cage around your favorite plant.

    Then, wrap the pan in plastic wrap. The plastic will help hold the heat in your plants and increase the temperature required for their successful growth, especially during cold months.

    Plastic Bottle

    If you are an eco-lover who hates or loves plastic bottles, this project is for you. This plan is free if you know where to find the materials. You can shape the plastic bottles in any form you wish. You can have it assembled as a typical A-frame greenhouse with hoops. There are no actual plans for this, but specific tips are available all over the internet, plus the building process is self-explanatory.

    Remember to line up the bottles on the wall to make it even. This plan will work efficiently and effectively for any need in your backyard. It is also best if you have ample growing space for your plants.

    Finally, the process is tedious, but since you are building something without any cost, extra effort is needed to accomplish the project.

    Re-Mesh Arch

    Meanwhile, this project uses a concrete re-mesh to build an arch greenhouse. You can use any sturdy livestock fence if you don't have any re-mesh materials. This plan is valid and effortless; you can even break it down into a project for portability.

    To do this, you can bend the mesh into an arch shape, fasten it together, and sink it into the ground.

    Then, cover the structure with plastic sheeting. This project will create an affordable, flexible, and robust greenhouse.

    Scrap Window Greenhouse

    If you have old windows in your house, you can transform them into a greenhouse now. Windows can provide sound insulation for your plants.

    Also, the glass and the wooden frame of the wood can resist strong winds, storms, and snow.

    Finally, it can enable the greenhouse to vent, especially if the temperature becomes too high. The roof of the scrap window greenhouse design can be made of corrugated plastic. You can buy one or use the old materials you have in your place. It will also add stability to your design, just like the barn greenhouse.

    Straw Bales

    Straw bales are also an excellent material for greenhouse projects. They are easy to build and ingenious. By surrounding your garden with straw bales, you can control the heat inside the area without complicated tools.

    Then, cover it with clear plastic, old windows, doors, or glass. You can also allow some variation by putting a slight slope on the south to let more light with tiers of growing space.

    Trampoline Greenhouse

    Do you have an old trampoline in your house that you haven't used for years? If you are creative, you can convert it into a stable greenhouse project. This is a perfect project for those who like to upcycle.

    Sturdy steel supports the trampoline at each end of the greenhouse. You can use a hacksaw, PVC pipes, and other tools to complete this trampoline greenhouse project in your backyard as soon as possible.

    Wranglerstar Greenhouse

    If you wish to construct a traditional greenhouse for your place, start one with this Wranglerstar design. The design looks like a barn, and it is significant and suitable for many things other than planting your plants.


    A rustic wooden greenhouse with transparent plastic panels. Inside, a variety of plants, including tomatoes, grow in a controlled environment. This design showcases an A-frame structure and highlights the practicality of repurposing materials like wood and plastic for greenhouse construction.

    Every DIY project listed above is eco-friendly, easy to do, and affordable. It can provide a perfect environment for your plants at all seasons of the year for many years. You can do it without prior carpentry experience or even without expensive tools. You can find some of the materials at the local home improvement center near you, or you can even use the old materials you have in your house. Just be creative in building your greenhouse, and you can save money.                                                                                                     

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