Types of Full Face Respirator Masks For Respiratory Protection Explained

Full Face Respirator: An Overview              

Full-face respirators are air-purifying respirators that can give protection from many sorts of dust, fogs, fumes, fogs, mists, smokes, sprays, or vapors.        

To gain this protection, you must have the proper setup. A full-face respirator incorporates a facepiece that covers your face and a filter/cartridge. Cartridges are chosen to sift through unambiguous particulate or compound substances.     

Types of Full Face Respirator Masks For Respiratory Protection Explained

Full-face respirators are required when hazardous particles can infiltrate through or disturb skin or eyesHigh volatile organic compound (VOC) moisture can heal urethanes or change stains. They are often utilized in the chemical business, working together with full-body suits to forestall exposure to hazardous chemical compounds like formaldehyde or methyl ethyl ketone.

A full face mask or covering is likewise expected for calamity clean-up from a flood when there is a high potential for extraordinarily harmful spores in spoiling wood, waste, and trash. On an important note, whatever industry you are in, be certain that you pair your full facial covering respirator with the fitting cartridge or channel for your safety.

Full-face respirators shield the wearer from breathing in risky fumes, vapors, and exhaust. They safeguard the face and eyes and channel pollutants with cartridges or channels, which should be changed routinely to guarantee the wearer's safety.

Full-face respirators that provide clean air from an external source are utilized in specific conditions. The pollutants a worker might be exposed to do not set the requirement for a full face in stone.

Furthermore, risk assessments and evaluations do not entirely settle the type of respirator and cartridge. Respirator cartridges are color-coded according to the kind of pollutant they are intended to sift or "filter."

Expiry dates demonstrate when cartridges should be changed, yet when laborers are exposed to high concentrations of pollutants, cartridges might need to be changed. Design estimates that diminish the degree of pollutants should be applied if possible. However, when it is preposterous to expect to decrease air contamination to safe levels, respirators ought to be utilized.

Additional Information:

Full-face respirators are intended to be used with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)- evaluated particulate filters and/or cartridges. Filters and cartridges are intended to be worn with a particular respirator and are not interchangeable with each model or type of respirator facepiece.

Likewise, filter channels and cartridges might be safely joined using a knife (pin-and-socket) or threaded (screw-type) fitting.

Full-face respirators are accessible in extra small, small, medium, and large sizes. They might be worn with hard caps/hats, hoods, or face shields.

Similarly, strap outfits or ratchet suspensions guarantee a protected fit to the wearer's head and are regularly developed of a solid, adaptable material like polyester, elastic, nylon, or rubber. Lashes and outfits ought to be fixed or slackened with the respirator set up.

Moreover, gas masks are air-purifying respirators that incorporate a full-face respirator, mask, cartridges, or canisters to filter out hazardous or irritating chemical vapors.

Commonly worn by responders on call, policing, and counterterrorism faculty, gas masks are powerful when utilized with channels and additional cartridges explicitly appropriate for protection from vaporous biological or chemical substances.

Lastly, the Occupational Safety and Health Organization (OSHA) requires fit testing before first use and on a reliable yearly basis. Wearers should continuously assess the respirator before each use to determine whether it is complete and to check that the fixing material appropriately sticks to the face.

The Different Types of Respiratory Protection

full facepiece reusable respirator, full facepiece respirator, provide respiratory protection

There are various kinds of respirators available, each used for different purposes. Some protect from residue and air particles, while others shield from vapors and exhaust.

As such, full-face masks are likewise available and air-provided, and you can work wearing them where the supply of oxygen is low.

 In an overview, there are two (2) types of respirators available:

1. Air-purifying respirators (APRs)

Air-purifying respirators utilize filters or cartridges to eliminate harmful or hazardous pollutants from the air. These reusable respirators filter air particulates such as dust, metal exhaust, fog, fumes, gases, etc.

In addition, you should know that there are several different respirators, most of which are face masks. These masks filter dust, exhaust, or potentially air particulates, but they are ineffective at channeling fumes and vapors.

You need half-face or full-face respirators to protect yourself against fumes and gases. Respirators that utilize filter channels and cartridges are available in two varying forms.

  • Half-face mask (covering the face from the nose to underneath the jaw)

    Half-face respirators don't cover your full face and give just respiratory protection. Hence, it is necessary for you to still wear defensive eyeglasses with them to safeguard your eyes.

  • Full face mask (covering the face from over the eyes to underneath the jaw)

    Full-face respirators cover your full face, safeguarding the eyes and full face from exposure to disturbing chemical compounds.

Air-purifying Respirators (ARPs) can also be categorized into the following types:

A. Disposable Dust or Particulate Respirators

These respirators are single-use face masks that shield the worker's lungs from irritation particles, specific pneumoconiosis, fibrosis-delivering residue, and fog.

They are, for the most part, called N95 masks and channel out around 95% of pollution. These masks are lightweight, expendable, agreeable, and more affordable on the rundown.

Pros: They are not reusable and should be used only once. These masks don't provide a more elevated level of protection.

Cons: These expendable masks are wonderful to use in regions with low centralizations of residue, fog, dust, fog, and creature dust.

B. Particulate Respirators - N. R. P. Series

Particulate respirators are far superior to disposable masks. They are arranged by risk, such as "dust mist fume," and accommodate three (3) degrees of filter productivity (95%, almost 100%, and 99.97%). These respirators are also ordered in the N, R, and P series.

Laborers, including clinic representatives who require assurance against infectious tuberculosis, carpenters (or woodworkers), painters, and farmers use them. NIOSH typically confirms these respirators.

C. Air Purifying Half Mask Respirators

Half-mask respirators are made of rubber or silicon and give weighty assurance from gases, exhaust, tidies, fumes, residue, shape, and other unsafe air particles and particulates.

These respirators give a tight seal around the face and are fitted with cartridges that refine the air as the wearer relaxes. They are reusable, and you simply need to just change the channels.

These filters last around forty (40) hours and should not be used for more than this period. You can change the channels when they become too intense to inhale.

The most awesome aspect of half-face respirators is that you can use various cartridges. With this, you can say that various cartridges are accessible for air impurities.

To apply this face respirator mask, you can involve these respirators for various respiratory hazards. Various cartridges and channels are accessible to ensure against various perils.

The most widely recognized kinds of cartridges are the following: organic vapor cartridges, acid gas/mist cartridges, combination cartridges, mercury cartridges, and HEPA cartridges.

Pros: These respirators provide outstanding protection to the user. They are also not difficult to use and are somewhat lightweight. Furthermore, they provide a water/airproof seal around the face and offer protection from many foreign air substances.

Cons: They don't protect your full face, and you need to wear additional assurance for your eyes. Additionally, these air-cleaning respirators can't be utilized for a wide range of air impurities and are restricted by the sort and limit of the filters/cartridges utilized.

Unfortunately, they also don't give security like full-face-piece air filtering respirators. You can't involve them in a climate where the degree of oxygen is low or in the air with high concentrations of toxins.

D. Air Purifying Full Face-Piece Respirators

Air-purifying full-face-piece respirators deal with the same way half-mask respirators work. The only difference is that the full-facepiece respirator covers your face, protecting the eyes, nose, jawline, and mouth.

These respirators also have filters or cartridges like those used in half-face respirators. They are used for various job applications where eye and face protection are preferred.

Pros: Full-face respirators are superior to half-face masks. They provide a better seal and more protection than half-cover air purging respirators. Wearing a full-face respirator can safeguard your eyes and face from disturbing fumes, fog, and sprinkled synthetics.

Cons: Full-face respirators are significantly heavier than half-face respirators, making them less comfortable to wear than half-face masks.   

Moreover, they are likewise restricted to particular sorts of air contaminants and are restricted by the kind and limit of the filters and cartridges utilized. You can't involve them in oxygen-lacking air or environments with high groupings of foreign substances.

2. Supplied-air respirators (SARs)

Supplied air respirators are utilized where oxygen levels are low in the functioning region. These respirators supply clean air from a packed air tank or through a carrier, so laborers don't need to rely on the workplace's air quality while wearing them. Provided air respirators might have either close-fitting or baggy respiratory inlets.

Moreover, particulate respirators that channel out 95% of air particulates are called N95, R95, and P95.

Likewise, respirators that channel out the vast majority of pollution are delegated N99, R99, and P99. Similarly, particulate respirators that give almost 100 percent (99.97%) security are delegated N100, R100, and P100.

The Different Types of Full-Face Respirators for Respiratory Protection

Respirators vary in type, size, and protective factors. However, there are two primary types of respirators:

Air-purifying respirators (APRs)

They eliminate toxins from the air. Respirators of this kind incorporate particulate respirators, which channel out airborne particles, and air-purifying respirators with cartridges or canisters, which channel out chemicals and gases.

Before discussing the various types of APRs, it is important to note that there are four common classes of APR facepieces: disposable, quarter mask, half mask, and full-face.

Disposable respirators (dust masks) protect the wearer against nuisance dust and particulates. Quarter mask respirators are utilized with cartridges or cloth filters. They can fit from the nose's highest point to the jaw's highest point. Moreover, they have a higher breathing resistance than bigger masks.

To go further, half-mask respirators fit from under the jaw to over the nose. They filter the air using a couple of cartridges, which are disposed of after the usage limit is reached.

As such, this type of mask has endorsed cartridges for pesticides, natural fumes, dust, fogs, exhaust, corrosive gases, alkalis, and blends.

On the other hand, a full-face respirator or full-facepiece respirator can safeguard the whole face. It utilizes twin cartridges, jawline-mounted canisters, or chest or back-mounted canisters.

All cartridges supported for the half-mask are accessible for the full mask. A few different cartridges are likewise accessible for the full mask.

IMPORTANT NOTEEvery cartridge is intended for use against explicit taints for respiratory protection. To make a suitable cartridge choice, it is critical to realize the pollutants present in the climate.

Examples of APRs are as follows:

Elastomeric Half Facepiece Respirators

These are reusable and have replaceable cartridges or channels. When outfitted with the fitting cartridge or channel, they cover the nose and mouth and protect against gases, fumes, or particles.

Elastomeric Full Facepiece Respirators

These are reusable and have replaceable canisters, cartridges, or channels. The facepiece covers the face and eyes and provides additional eye protection.

Filtering Facepiece Respirators

These dispensable half-facepiece respirators channel out particles like packs of residue, fog, and vapor. On the downside, they don't protect you against gases and fumes.

Powdered Air-Purifying Respirators (PAPRs)

They have a battery-controlled blower that gets air through connected channels, canisters, or cartridges. They can protect the wearer against gases, fumes, or particles when furnished with a suitable cartridge, canister, or channel

Additional Types:

  • Elastomeric half-mask respirator (EHMR)

    EHMRs are reusable respirators that cover the nose and mouth.

  • Elastomeric full facepiece respirators

    Elastomeric full facepiece respirators are reusable and cover the nose, mouth, and eyes.

Air-supplying respirators (ASRs)

They give a cleaning respirator, breathing air from a different source. These respirators shield wearers from many kinds of airborne impurities (i.e., particles, gases, and fumes) and, in specific cases, oxygen-deficient environments. These respirators are generally utilized in Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH) conditions and crisis rescue applications.

Examples of ASRs are as follows:

Supplied Air Respirators (SARs)

These are associated with a different source that provides air to breathe using a hose. Typically, this source is situated beyond the workspace.

Self-Contained Breathing Apparatuses (SCBAs)

These are utilized for passage into or escape from conditions viewed as IDLH. They contain their breathing air supply and can be open or closed circuits.

Combination Respirators

They can be either a provided air/SCBA respirator or an air-filtering respirator. The SCBA type has an independent air supply if the essential carrier falls flat and can be used in IDLH conditions. The air-purifying type can be protected by a provided air hose and an air-cleaning fixture but can't be used to pass into IDLH conditions.

The Do's and Don't's of a Full-Facepiece Respirator

facepiece respirator, lightweight comfortTo maximize a full facepiece respirator's capacity to exhibit respiratory protection, take note of these do's and dont's:


  • Fit the straps as suggested.

  • Wearers should accurately utilize the RPE.

  • Each wearer should select the mask of the right size.

  • Continuously fit two identical filters to a twin-filter mask.

  • Change utilized filters at the manufacturer's suggested frequency or limits.

  • Guarantee that wearers check the RPE fits accurately without fail, as suggested by the manufacturer.

  • Guarantee you have the right filter(s) for the substance (i.e., molecule gas vapor or the required combination).

  • Fit-testing for every wearer is required while utilizing this respiratory protective equipment (RPE) if it's new to you.


  • Store in dirty regions in-between between usage.

  • Make Do-It-Yourself (DIY) changes to the RPE.

  • Utilize a damaged respirator - mask, filters, straps, or valves.

  • Harm or twist the mask, filters, or lashes while caring for it.

  • Use in oxygen-deficient airs (i.e., restricted spaces).

  • Utilize a P1 filter against the smolder except if suggested by the manufacturer.

  • Get dirt inside the mask, or use solvents to clean the mask, straps, or channels.

MORE INFORMATIONYou can also use the MIRA Safety CM-7M Military Gas Mask Full Face Respirator for CBRN Protection. This high-performance gas mask provides full-face protection against chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) threats. It is designed for military, law enforcement, and first responder personnel who require high protection in hazardous environments.                                   

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