Global Food Shortage and Crisis in Near Future

Global Food Crisis: All About Food Insecurity

Acute Food Insecurity, World Food programmeIf we were to consider the population of more than nine billion people in less than 40 years —can we really sustain the increasing food needs?

To date, we have sufficient food for roughly seven billion people alive today, yet almost a billion people also are hungry or malnourished, generally because of poverty and unequal food distribution. As per its definition, food insecurity is characterized as the lack of a reliable supply of food for a functioning and healthy life. As such, there are a number of individuals all around the world who experience the ill effects of a deficiency of food and can't determine whether they will actually be able to feed themselves the following day or by the day's end. This is the premise of characterizing food insecurity.

In 2018, for instance, it was accounted that one of every nine Americans experienced food insecurity. That is comparable to thirty-seven (37) million people, in excess of eleven (11) million of whom are kids. As such, hunger and food insecurity are firmly related, and it is feasible to say that when one is food insecure, one will be hungry. Hunger will prompt destitution and illnesses, albeit not all individuals living below the poverty line experience food insecurity, just as those living above the poverty line could likewise encounter food insecurity as well.

Food insecurity is an alarming phenomenon as it doesn't exist as an isolated case. This means that low-income families could be impacted by numerous overlapping issues like social disconnection, intense and persistent health problems, the lack of affordable housing, low wages, and high medical expenses, among others. These variables could likewise bring about food insecurity as well as the other way around, making it a perplexing and more risky condition of life in general. After all, food insecurity is a social determinant of health, and while addressing the viable reactions to food insecurity, these abovementioned difficulties must be responded to as well.

In this article, we will talk about the causes, effects, and solutions to food insecurity and end this global food crisis for good.

The Causes of Global Food Crisis

Acute food insecurity, food systems, global foodBefore anything else, it is important to know the causes of food insecurity and solve them one by one:

Inaccessible Farm Lands

Food is developed or produced from the land. In doing as such, income is likewise produced. Nonetheless, many individuals don't have their own property or don't have the money to have farmable land. Land proprietorship reinforces farming efficiency as it very well may be utilized to deliver an assortment of food crops even at a limited scale level. Hence, without access to farming land, there exists an implication of a lack of a key resource for delivering food crops.

Land Grabbing

Not too far from the point apprehended above, land grabbing is when land customarily owned or cultivated by families or groups, or communities are detracted from them by huge financial investors or powerful government officials. With this, they obtain the land to extend their domains, remove regular assets, or even develop food for exportation. Land grabbing denies neighborhood networks of resources they frantically expect to develop food crops and vegetables for survival. In the end, a definitive result is a poverty and social instability, which further demolishes food insecurity.

Conflict, Violence, and Wars

Other causes of food insecurity are conflicts, wars, and violence, as they affect food production and supplies. In many nations where nationwide conflict has been common throughout the long term, food insecurity is extremely high. To illustrate better, let's take Syria's horticultural production, which the conflict has unfavorably impacted. As per a report by FAO in October 2018, 5.5 million Syrians face food insecurity, and some portion of it is because of the conflict. Struggle-related food deficiencies can likewise set off long stretches of food emergencies regardless of whether the conflict has ended or not.

Rapid Increase in Population

In today's world, we face a daily reality where the rates of deaths are evidently tighter than the rates of birth. The developing populace implies there are additional mouths to feed on a daily basis. The rapid increase in the population, with restricted development in the food available, implies an expansion in food insecurity no less.


Agrofuels are delivered from plants like corn and sugar cane. Creating such biofuels is arising as a reaction to handling climate change. On the downside, farms will be redirected into developing such plants and yields for biofuels, diminishing the number of grains accessible for food.

This likewise drives up the costs of such grains. The developing interest in biofuels is likewise responsible for the expansion of deforestation in nations like Malaysia and Indonesia, further compromising food security. The justification for this is on the grounds that deforestation brings about cleared terrains and climate change, which, accordingly, causes flooding and severe climate, thereby annihilating the crops.

Natural Disasters

The dry season (or drought), floods, tropical storms, cyclones, and other catastrophic events can clear out a whole harvest or damage crops. This is proven to convey devastating effects, most particularly to rural communities and families, who, by and large, depend on such harvests and staple limited-scope farming for their everyday food.

Climate Change

Climate change has, on a very basic level, impacted farming and agriculture in general. Farmers are encountering the impacts of environmental change, as rains are coming in sooner than before, and droughts are lasting longer. Freshwater is likewise more difficult to find because of rising ocean levels, storm surges, typhoons, and other outrageous climate events, which frequently happen in intensive patterns.

Food Waste

Billions worth of edible food is being discarded on a regular basis, for the most part, in developed nations. For example, during this Covid pandemic, ranchers and farmers alike are discarding billions of food sources since restaurants and various supermarkets, which recently purchased such food, are closed down. As such, the production levels are more evidently greater than the consumption, meaning food must be discarded, yet people are dying out there from hunger in developing countries.

Capitalism of Food Systems

There are a lot of big multinational agribusinesses and exporters that have dominated the food market, meaning limited-scope farmers have restricted avenues to showcase their produce. They, thusly, sell at unreasonable costs, and the giant corporations control the market, including selling food at exorbitant costs by focusing on clients who are more often than not over-particular, prompting food wastage.

Moreover, food has turned into a valuable product and is being exchanged as an item in international business sectors. Price hikes in worldwide food markets trigger extreme and prolonged food emergencies. Hence, this intends that, to an extensive degree, hunger and food insecurity could be because of market needs and the insatiability to accomplish higher benefits.

The Effects of Food Insecurity

Now that we've discussed the causes of food insecurity, let's take a look at how it affects millions of people on a daily basis:

Food system, World Food DayChildren Malnutrition

Children who lack proper food resources or come from families that are food insecure are bound to require hospitalization and are at a higher risk of chronic health conditions like paleness and asthma. Moreover, children additionally have frequent oral health problems.

Food insecurity among children is likewise associated with the poor physical quality of life and hinders them from completely engaging in everyday school exercises, as well as doing social interaction with their peers.

Hunger in Food Crisis

Hunger can likewise result from food insecurity. Hunger costs billions annually, with the US utilizing about $178.9 billion per year. This causes the public authority to spend more on feeding and taking care of the country's food needs rather than concentrating such monies on different undertakings like infrastructure, healthcare services, and education.

Increase in Food prices

Food insecurity implies there is a lack of food commodities, making accessible food costly to buy. This means the costs will go up and will bring about related items being more costly. The public's access to food, care, feeding, and access to medical services may likewise become restricted; as a result, making the country more insecure.

Health Problems

In simple logic, the higher the rate of food insecurity, the higher the risk of developing chronic illnesses like heart disease. The weight is, hence, put on the front medical liners and entire healthcare systems. In a review, food-insecure families spent about $6,100 on medical care in a year when contrasted with $4,200 for food-secure families, which is a 45% expansion in costs.

Violence Amidst Food Crisis

As mentioned above, violence can be the cause of food insecurity. However, it can also be the other way around, as food insecurity can also result in violence. Food insecurity, particularly when brought about by an increase in food costs, is a danger and results in a vicious struggle. It probably won't be the main source, however, combined with different variables, for instance, in the political or monetary circles, food crisis could be the element that decides if and when violent struggles take place.

The Solutions to Global Food Crisis

Food system, World Food DayWith all those causes and effects done, how do we move forward and resolve this issue to achieve food security?

Reduce Food Waste

Food waste is large because of wasteful arrangements, uneven or bad streets, over-particular clients, and deficient storerooms. On the off chance that storerooms are improved, and there are satisfactory arrangements for how the food will be utilized, less food will be put to waste, and there will be a more food-secure local area.

Reduce the Risk of Commercializing

Assuming food is developed for the reasons of feeding the local area or country, food insecurity levels will go down. Farmers can create more food crops and will actually want to deliver cash crops when there are sufficient food crops on the lookout. Moreover, there will be less risk of commercialization of food if it is adequately available in the market. State-run administrations ought to likewise carry out programs that can permit farmers to know when there is adequate food for everybody.

Improve Existing Infrastructural Programs

A few farmers fail to get their produce to the market due to poor infrastructure, including streets, storerooms, and food handling equipment. It winds up decaying in the homesteads and then being taken to the people who need it or for processing. On the off chance that the infrastructure is improved, more food will be accessible on the market, and the food insecurity levels can go down.

Improve Trade Restrictions and Policies

A few farmers fail to take care of the local area in light of uncalled-for trade policies. Big corporations have previously stepped in and commercialized food, making it harder for limited-scope farmers to have their items on the market. In this case, the government should work on implementing and strategizing policies that will make it fair for everybody to take part.

Promote Diversification

Zeroing in on a single food crop or staple can deliver horrible results for food insecurity reduction. Thusly, to further develop food security, there should be proper training on the significance of diversified and healthy diets for better nutrition. With additional varieties of food and an informed local area on the significance of a diversified diet, there will be adequate staple food varieties accessible in the business sectors.

World Food Programme: Global Food Security

The World Food Programme is the leading humanitarian organization fighting hunger worldwide, delivering food assistance in emergencies, and working with communities to improve nutrition and build resilience. It assists over 91.4 million people in around 83 countries. This program indicates that the international community has finally focused on ending hunger, accomplishing food security, and further developing nutrition by 2030. As one of every nine individuals lacks access to adequate food, food and food-related assistance lie at the core of the struggle to break the pattern of hunger and poverty.

On any given day, WFP has 5,000 trucks, 20 ships, and 92 planes progressing, conveying food and other help to those in most need. Consistently, we convey in excess of 15 billion proportions at a typical average expense for each proportion of US$ 0.31. These numbers lie at the underlying foundations of WFP's unrivaled reputation as an emergency responder, one that takes care of business rapidly at scale in the most troublesome conditions.

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