Prepper List For Survival Gears and Items - Prepping Guides For Beginners

Prepper List for Life-And-Death Survival Situation

To say the least, prepping is a way of life. In a matter of seconds, turmoil can break out and toss you out of your regular and day-to-day routine. At point when such a life-and-death situation occurs, everyone's first instinct is to panic and try to "prep up" last minute.

However, this is such a risky move because in times of calamity, supplies become scarce, and hindrances can come in between. And so prepping up before the fact will really save you a lot of worries, energy, and time when it comes.

Who doesn't want to be "better" prepared for emergencies, right? However, most people are unsure as to where to start or if they are doing it the right way.

If you're reading this, you're probably here because you are interested in getting a gist of the "prepping for beginners" emergency preparedness checklist —well, you are not at all wrong!

Perhaps you are stressing over an unexpected layoff, home intrusions, fender benders, electricity blackouts for days, natural disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes, or tsunamis, or the long-term economic and societal decline.

With all those mentioned, it is definitely a smart move to start prepping up as early as now. The thing about prepping up is that you don't wait until you need it because if you do, it's already too late by then.

If you are a beginner, don't worry. You're not alone, as millions of rational people from varying backgrounds are approaching preparedness in a serious way — and the movement is growing as additional individuals acknowledge they can't rely upon others to save them in our ever-changing world.

In any case, preparing can appear to be overwhelming and even intimidating at times. Furthermore, to exacerbate the situation, there's a ton of insane "loud minority" garbage out there that puts rational preparedness in a bad light; by associating it with fanaticism, hazardous information, or senseless web discourse that doesn't really make any difference.

For your convenience, refer to this short and beginner-friendly prepper list:

  1. Build a solid foundation (i.e., money, health, supply, etc.).

  2. Prepare your home for two (2) weeks of self-reliance.

  3. Have the option to leave your home at the last minute.

  4. Plan for emergencies that happen away from home.

  5. Develop core emergency-related abilities and practice with your gear.

  6. Offer and recruit while proceeding to learn and going past the prepping basics.

In this article, we will talk about...

Solid Steps Towards Prepper List for Emergency Situation

  1. Prepping a solid foundation.

    As a beginner in prepping, the first thing that you need to accomplish is to build a solid foundation. This means that you need to start stocking up on a few everyday essentials.

    It may include the considerably "evergreen" products, which are water reserves, emergency food, first aid kits, hygiene products, and sanitation supplies. Ultimately, these are the first products every beginner prepper should start with.

    Food Prepping

    The main thing any beginning prepper ought to start with is to stock healthy survival food. Emergency food is dehydrated or freeze-dried food that has a long time span of shelf life, which is an excellent part of the survival checklist. This is food that you shouldn't think about eating until you don't have a choice.

    Emergency food can be the distinction between panicking and peace of mind. Subsequently, we suggest beginning by putting away no less than about fourteen days (or two weeks) of emergency food.

    More prepared preppers frequently have six (6) to twenty-four (24) months' worth of food stored. However, the more emergency food you stock, the more it will last longer and, thus, the more ready you will be.

    To give you an idea, you can hoard and stock emergency food like survival kits, freeze-dried meats, freeze-dried fruits, and freeze-dried fruits and vegetables.

    As such, you should know how much food to prepare ahead of time, as it will likely determine your rate of survival. You also need to put into consideration the number of calories an individual requires to stay healthy, contingent upon one's age, sex, activity level, and body type.

    For example, young adults and kids typically need more calories as their bodies are still actively growing. This goes by the logic that as you age, you also require fewer calories.

    By and large, men consume a greater number of calories than women. This is on the grounds that the average body type and size of men are bigger than the average for women.

    Likewise, your activity level also influences the number of calories you that ought to consume. Commonly, the more active you are, the more calories you ought to consume.

    Water Prepper List

    After stocking up on food, the next thing that you should stock up on. Needless today, stocking up on water is as important as stocking up on emergency food —in fact, in most cases, it is debatably even more crucial.

    The thing about disaster or any emergency situations is that staying alive without food or water on the deck is almost a mission impossible.

    Moreover, in times of crisis, food and water supplies are ones that immediately become "out-of-stock," thereby making it extremely significant to have your own reserve.

    For instance, while beginning your water stock, you want to stock two kinds of water: (1) clean drinking water enough for at least a 2-week consumption or fourteen gallons of water and (2) collected rainwater to "purify" it in case your run out of drinking water or to use it in replacement of your running water.

    For instance, collected rainwater is perfect for preparing food, washing dishes, watering the garden, washing clothes and garments, and doing other household chores.

    In times of infrastructure failure, running water is one of the first things to fail or stop. Hence, it is important to prep water to have something to use in times of disaster.

    Prepping First Aid Kits

    Next on the list is first aid supplies which are another essential evergreen product for beginners. In times of emergencies, medical clinics and hospitals frequently become overpowered, which consequently increases wait times among patients and casualties.

    At the point when this occurs, you should be fit to oversee wounds yourself while you sit tight for care. This means that you should know how to treat cuts against infection or how to split broken bones.

    As per Red Cross, it is suggested to have the following rundown of first aid supplies:

    • Bandages
    • Antiseptic wipes
    • Adhesive tape
    • Adhesive bandages
    • Antibiotic ointment
    • Gauze pads
    • Leg splint
    • Arm splint
    • Latex gloves
    • Emergency blanket
    • First aid guide

    Of course, collecting these tools is one thing, but using these tools to perform the emergency treatment is a different story. As such, learning and acquiring the ability to do first aid treatment will help you a lot in the future.

    This is also why it is important to sign up and attend basic first aid and CPR training with the Red Cross.

    Prepping Hygiene and Sanitation for Beginners

    Another thing that one should stock up on is hygiene and sanitation products. Basically, these are any times that you can use to keep your personal hygiene in check or keep a clean home.

    These products can easily become "in-demand" or hard to find or get to in times of emergencies, contingent upon the sort of crisis. Consequently, we suggest keeping a reserve of all the cleanliness items you use in your bathroom (i.e., soap, hair products or shampoo, feminine hygiene products, dental care, toothpaste, toiletries, hand sanitizer, and alcohol).

    Stocking on these personal hygiene essentials will greatly affect sustaining your personal health in the midst of a crisis. As such, keeping a cleaning supply stock is essential for decreasing the spread of infection (or any type of disease).

    The dirtier your house is, the higher the opportunity for illness to spread. Contracting an illness during a crisis is very hard because hospitals are oftentimes overcrowded at this time, leaving little to no room to accommodate just anyone in the emergency room.

  2. Prepare for two (2) weeks of self-reliance.

    In the outcome of an emergency event, it might require weeks, even months, to return to normal daily lives. For that reason, we prescribe setting yourself up to be independent and self-reliant for at least fourteen (14) days or two weeks, and perhaps even longer.

    For instance, on the off chance that your food reserves won't last numerous weeks, you really want to have an early arrangement to get more food. Hunting, fishing, catching, and rummaging for food are fundamental abilities to stay self-reliant in the midst of a disaster.

    In like manner, for water, it's crucial to have the arrangement to keep gathering and treating water if the water you prepared early runs out. We suggest having somewhere around two distinct methodologies for gathering and treating water.

    Essentially, the goal is for you and your family to survive in your home for at least two (2) weeks with practically no external assistance. This means that you can't expect you'll have electricity, water, cooking or heating gas, good communication lines and signal, internet connection, 911, ambulances, etc.

    As per the Valley Food Storage, kindly refer to the home checklist summary below:

    Water: store 15 gallons of potable water per person (roughly 1 gallon per day) and have ways to treat dirty water via either a portable water filter or the countertop water filter

    Food: at least 23,000 calories per person (roughly 1,500 calories per day) of shelf-stable food that's ready to eat or only needs boiling water to make; usually one or a mix of extra supermarket food you normally eat anyway or special prepper food that lasts forever

    Fire: lighters, matches, and backup fire starters

    Light: headlamps, flashlights, candles, lanterns

    Heating and cooling: indoor-safe heaters, extra blankets, USB-powered fan

    Shelter: a tarp (even a cheap one you find at a local store) comes in handy for improvised shelter, plugging holes in the house, and clearing debris

    Medical: list of 145 prioritized home medical supplies

    Hygiene: wet wipes, hand sanitizer, camp soap

    Communication: either a one-way NOAA radio or a two-way ham radio (if you know how to use it)

    Power: spare batteries and rechargers (your bug-out bag will have a solar charger, but you can also get a second one for home)

    Tools: axe, shovel, work gloves, a wrench for your gas lines, zip ties, duct tape, etc.

    Self-defense: depends on personal views and may include body armor, firearms, pepper spray, etc.

    Cash: as much as you can reasonably afford to stash

    Mental health: board games, favorite books, headphones, movies downloaded to a tablet, etc.

    Documents: copy of deeds/titles, insurance policies, birth certificates, maps, pictures of family members, etc., in both physical and USB thumb drive forms

    Local & emergency info: write down important contact numbers, know the location of the nearest hospitals, etc.

  3. Get ready to evacuate anytime.

    In specific situations, the wisest choice one may take to evacuate or bug out at an emergency shelter. Let's say a typhoon is bearing down on your home located in a flood-prone area.

    Of course, the best choice for this situation is to evacuate to higher ground and wait out the storm in a more secure area. As such, you need to be 100% ready to move out anytime.

    In doing so, you may want to prepare a bug-out bag, so you have something to get in a hurry.

    Needless to say, an emergency can strike anytime. You may just have seconds to leave your home. Or, on the other hand, perhaps you gain a benefit (e.g., beating traffic) by evacuating while every other person is as yet scrambling.

    That is the reason why having one bag that is constantly stuffed and ready to use — regardless of the situation, you'll realize will give you to edge to get by, easily handle the outcome, and possibly help other people around you.

    Generally, a bug-out bag is a backpack filled to the edge with various survival necessities that assist you with staying fed, hydrated, and for the most part, comfortable all through the evacuation process.

    Moreover, you may also consider doing the following:

    • Everybody in the family ought to have their bug-out bag and know precisely where it's found.

    • The bug-out bag ought to contain a reserve of fresh drinking water and ready-to-go food, alongside other survival gear.

    • The gear you pack into your bug-out sack ought to be lightweight and travel-sized.

    • Your bug-out bags ought to be put away in a cool and dry area. For instance, you can envelop yours in a garbage sack and keep them in a particular plastic sack in the carport.

  4. Prep for Emergencies that Happen Away From Home

    Emergencies are often very hard to predict, hence the name. So, all things considered, no one can tell when everything might go south. That's why it's crucial, regardless of your location, to be prepared for anything that is about to come.

    With this, you should also prepare to endure emergencies that happen outside your home premise. Perhaps you can put some prepped emergency supplies in your car or whenever.

    Or if you're someone who commutes, prepping a bug-out bag in your high-water vehicle is also a good idea.

  5. Learn Emergency Skills and Take Up Self Defense Classes

    To say the least, preparing survival gear and survival kit, stocking more in your food storage, hoarding medical supplies, or prepping up your water filtration system is not enough.

    More so, you need to have the proper skills and abilities to be able to use these emergency kits properly and withstand a disaster.

    Perhaps you can learn core skills such as hunting, fishing, trapping, foraging, fire building, and even orienteering. You may also take time to build shelter and treat water.

    Likewise, you need to practice with all your gear, such as practicing in camping gear, growing your own food or edible plants, cooking and preserving your freeze-dried food, and operating a solar oven, if there's any.

Survival Skills > Survival gear List

At the end of the day, having the proper survival skills are MORE than completing your survival gear list. Still, having adequate survival equipment will give you a big edge in surviving a disaster.

Emergency preparedness, in general, is a survival rate-increasing tool that will help you withstand the strongest and most abrupt calamities that you would've never foreseen.

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